Welcome to WIFI DAO! 👋

Welcome to the WiFi Map DAO Forum! :wave: The following information will allow you to better understand governance and the forum.

To jump into the discussions and make your own proposal please refer to subcategories, to which your idea is related to:

All well-elaborated ideas will be formed into proposals, on which you can vote! Make your voice count, vote here! :judge:

Here are some tips on navigating the forum:

  1. Each category has a pinned ‘About’ post with useful resources.
  2. The ‘Latest’ tab will show you the most recent conversations.
  3. Feel free to introduce yourself in the ‘Welcome Thread’.

To get more information on WiFi Map DAO, you should read WiFi Map DAO Handbook. :open_book:

To explore the plan and nearest intentions of WiFi Map core team, please refer to our Roadmap. :world_map:

All Topics submitted in Discourse must be approved by a moderator solely for a purpose of avoiding spam. If it is rejected, you will be contacted by a moderator directly.

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