Guiding principles of WiFi Map Community

Welcome to our Discussion Forum: A Platform for Civilized Exchange of Opinions

We encourage you to approach this forum with the same respect and consideration. As a community, we share this space as a resource for exchanging skills, knowledge, and interests through meaningful conversation. While these guidelines are not rigid rules, they serve to inform the collective judgment of our community, fostering an environment of kindness and constructive discourse.

Enhancing the Dialogue:

  • Contribute positively to discussions, no matter how small your input may seem. If uncertain whether your post adds value, take a moment to reflect before posting.
  • Explore ongoing discussions before engaging, as you may discover existing topics that align with your interests.

Respectful Engagement:

  • Treat both topics and fellow participants with respect, even in disagreement. Critique ideas, not individuals.
  • Refrain from name-calling, personal attacks, responding solely to tone, or engaging in reactionary contradictions. Instead, offer insightful contributions that enrich the conversation.

Your Participation Matters:

  • Our collective conversations shape the atmosphere of our community. Choose discussions that enrich our forum, and avoid those that detract from it.
  • Utilize community tools such as bookmarks, likes, flags, replies, and edits to enhance your experience and that of others.

A Commitment to Improvement:

  • Should you encounter problematic behavior, please flag it for moderator attention rather than responding directly. Your contribution to maintaining a positive environment is invaluable.
  • Moderators are entrusted with maintaining forum integrity, but community members also play a crucial role in upholding standards of conduct.

Upholding Civility:

  • Rudeness undermines constructive dialogue. Maintain civility by refraining from posting offensive, abusive, or hateful content.
  • Keep discussions clean, avoiding obscenity or sexually explicit material.
  • Show respect to others by refraining from harassment, impersonation, or sharing private information.
  • Help preserve the integrity of our forum by avoiding spam or vandalism.

Keeping Order:

  • Organize discussions by adhering to category definitions and refraining from cross-posting or posting no-content replies.
  • Maintain the focus of discussions without diverting topics midstream or signing posts.
  • Use the Like button instead of posting “Agreed,” and start new topics for radically different discussions.

Ownership of Content:

  • Only post content that you own or have permission to share. Respect intellectual property rights and refrain from sharing methods for unlawful activities.

A Community Effort:

  • Our forum is managed collaboratively by staff and community members. Should you have questions or suggestions, open a new topic in the site feedback category to initiate discussion.

Thank you for your commitment to maintaining a positive and enriching environment within our forum. Your contributions are essential to our collective success.